London Real Broadcast Yourself podcast course review
I’m feeling deeply grateful to Brian Rose and his team of mentors for all their insightful and inspiring guidance over this last 8 weeks. I started slowly due to Facebook restricting me from posting to groups for 2 weeks, which meant no initial interaction with any of my fellow students, but received a great deal of encouragement, especially from my team leader Carla Magdalene, who very kindly helped and guided me through some major challenges at the start. Getting to meet and make friends with many of my fellow students on this course has also been a real joy.
In just 8 weeks I’ve progressed from caveman levels of grasping the technology and a passive, introverted nature to someone now fully capable of booking and doing interviews, publishing them on my own London Revelation podcast channel on Anchor fm; as well as airing some previous interviews I had made several years ago that had never before seen the light of day. I’m feeling that the course has been incredibly good value for the money and would thoroughly recommend any aspiring or hesitant podcaster to take full advantage of it.
My new podcast channel has provided me with a deeply satisfying outlet for sharing some astounding knowledge and insights into the geometry connecting all of London’s major sacred sites, as well as the enhanced effects of praying, meditating and singing, especially in groups, when visiting those places. Numerous sacred locations scattered around the capital also extend outward into a harmonic grid network marked out by our ancient forebears in megalithic sites all across the UK landscape and extending worldwide. The residents of Greater London can only benefit from learning just how special and sacred is this most blessed City of Revelation, predicted to one day manifest as the New Jerusalem by Arch Druid William Blake, whose prophetic vision seems to be reflected in the underlying 400-square-mile “Earthstar” ground-plan of the world’s most influential city.
Please visit Chris Street’s and you’ll be astounded!
I also found a new confidence in this very positive environment to finally broadcast some of my own thoughts, views and ideas expressed in poetic form, which I read out loud at local stone circles in Wales, following the very ancient Bardic tradition.
The “Megalithic Internet” is coming alive once again to help mankind through a period of great transition when it has become most essential to re-attune with Mother Nature, the rhythms of the cosmos and ultimately with it’s Creator. Thanks to Brian Rose’s capable and highly principled guidance, the quality of what is being broadcast through the airwaves is now rapidly improving as more and more independent podcasters find their voices in promoting online guests and shows that can only improve the atmosphere.
In the Vedic tradition that I follow as a Hare Krishna devotee, sound is considered both primordial in terms of its creative potency and sacrosanct as the single most effective vehicle for personal, societal and planetary transformation. Sound pollution, the speaking and most especially the broadcasting of any untruth is recognized as the single worst form of environmental pollution. London Real is making a significant contribution to cleaning up our world!
Many thanks to Brian Rose and his team. And I really would like to see Brian succeed in his bid to become the new Mayor of London in 2021. True leaders are those who make leaders and bring out the best in all the people around them. I can honestly say I have seen that in action as I’ve watched so many students gain confidence over just 8 weeks of London Real’s intense but very rewarding Broadcast Yourself course. Highly recommended!